Proverb 166

Excerpt from "A Discussion of 250 Deep Yoruba (African) Proverbs"
By Alaba J. Babalọla

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One learns the matters before one learns the fights.

One deals with the matters before one deals with the fights.
The civil rule of engagement preserves peace through discussions, and so prevents a battle. All persons should learn it.

Ẹjọ laa kọ kaa to kọ'ja.

When two people disagree about something, before they fight over it, usually, there is an opportunity to discuss, to exchange views and opinions, to evaluate the other person's positions and look at the possibility of settling the matter one way or another. This would apply both in private situation and especially in official settings where for example a court presides over the matter.
In a private situation, opposing parties may abandon the opportunity of a dialogue and private settlement, and thus let the matter become a quarrel, a fight, or even a war. The civil rule of engagement in Yorubaland as expressed in this proverb dictates that the opportunity to have a matter settled judiciously must not be overlooked or sidetracked.

One of the methods used for teaching adolescent children about civil rule of conduct was to say the relevant rule or principle in a proverb as an expression of what or how things should be done by everyone in the society.
In this case when there is a dispute, a person should first lay emphasis on how to present his own side of the argument so as to prove his point. He is to do so with a commitment to avoid a fight and enable an amicable settlement. Therefore, the purpose is to ensure that people engage themselves in a way that can ultimately ensure there is peaceful coexistence among them. Without this kind of safeguard disagreements can lead to disputes, and disputes to strife and wars in the community. Wars are destructive to lives and properties and must be avoided. A little word of proverb goes a long way to keep a whole society in its best behavior.

ẹjọ - Matter (N), Case
Kọ - To learn (V)
Ija - Fight (N), or quarrel, or dispute, or war.


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