Proverb 55

Excerpt from "A Discussion of 250 Deep Yoruba (African) Proverbs"
By Alaba J. Babalọla
Available for Sale at:

It is something done without recognition of others that entangles a person. Paying respect does not entangle a person.

Giving respect to whom it is due as a proactive measure for freedom and personal success.

Adashe ni hun ni, Iba kii hun ni.

If a person prefers to work independently, especially without acknowledging how other people's expertise or knowledge can help him in his work, he is likely to run into the kind of problem indicated in this proverb. If he runs in to a fix or faced with some challenges, he may not get help easily. An open attitude of respect for people who are more experienced or more resourceful one way or another in his area of practice can ensure that he gets help in time of need. In other words, he can always be set free from the entanglement he would have been in if he was not open to other people's contributions. Paying obeisance or showing respect in this sense means that the person paying it is not prideful and values the beneficiary of that respect. People love to rally round and help someone who is humble.

This is a straightforward advice for anyone to appreciate the essence of acknowledging superior authority in an area of work or vocation. This is because you never know when you may need their help. One should not be self absorbed, have an unhealthy sense of self sufficiency and the habit of working alone. No man is an island. One should have a team spirit and open to collaborations where such is sensible. However, the attitude necessary for sustaining such a relationship with others is rooted in respect.  Respect is reciprocal as they say. If you give it, you are likely to get it back when you most need it, in this case, perhaps by way of solidarity or timely support.

Adashe - Something done on one's own responsibility or without permission or sanction from anyone else. (N)
Ni -Is (V)
Ni -A person (N) - short form of 'eni', or Eeyan (person or someone
Hun -To entangle (V), or to weave, or to get a person into a difficult situation from which he cannot escape easily. Or to intoxicate (as of someone drunk)
Iba -Obeisance (N) or recognition of others, or a vivid expression of respect for another person.
Kii- Does not (V)


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