Proverb 62

Excerpt from "A Discussion of 250 Deep Yoruba (African) Proverbs"
By Alaba J. Babalọla

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If the wall does not open its mouth, the Lizard would not find the space to enter it.

Disunity and rift in a relationship leaves room for the invading enemy to enter and do more damage.

B'ogiri o la'nu, Alangba o le r'aye wọọ.

A wall is many bricks and mortar standing together in unity, strength and capacity to stop any invader or to keep them out.  The mouth of a wall is the crack in it or the part where it is broken through which an invader can gain access. The Lizard is an enemy of a wall with an open mouth. It will go through that mouth until the mouth becomes bigger and bigger. 
In the context of this proverb, a mouth or a crack in a wall is anything causing or leaving room for disunity or creating a rift between two formerly united groups or persons.  The enemy or invader can be a busybody, or a gossip with a malicious intent to make the matter worse and even make the two groups or persons drift further apart. The point of the proverb is that if two friends can remain united like a good unbroken wall by not giving any room for any issue that can cause disunity, their enemy will find it hard to do any harm to their relationship.

This proverb is commonly used for families, friends and other groups of people who have obvious tendency to quarrel among themselves without knowing the consequences it may have on the survival or happiness of the group, especially in an environment where other people are jealous of the group's success. By being united and not giving themselves a negative exposure, they can keep the enemy out.

Bi - If (CONJ) - as abbreviated in "B'ogiri"
Ogiri - A wall (N)
La - To open (V)
Enu* - Mouth (N) - as abbreviated in la'nu
Alangba - Lizard or Gecko (N)
Ri - To find (N), or to see, or to discover - as abbreviated in "R'aye"
Aye - Space (N), or opening, or opportunity
Wọ - Enter (V) - Wọọ - enter it



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